Preparation Resources
The following documents are available for the preparation of your crew. They are listed in the order issued with a short description of their contents.
Philmont Council and Unit Planning Guide – general information
- available on-line
BSA Health and Medical Record – including participation advisories and height/weight chart (one per crew member) - available on-line
Philmanac: A Trekker’s Guide to the Philmont Backcountry - information about every camp at Philmont (one per crew) - January Advisor Briefing
Philmont 2021 Itinerary Guide – detailed description of each available itinerary, including camp information and programs (one per crew) - mailed to each crew in March
Philmont 2021 Guidebook to Adventure – invaluable pocket-sized reference, including equipment lists, health and safety guidelines, program descriptions and much more (one per crew member)
– mailed to each crew in March
- Philmont Overall (Souvenir) Map (South and North halves) – a map for planning purposes (one per crew, additional copies available from Tooth of Time Traders) - mailed to each crew in March
Philmont Eagles Soaring High – pocket-sized devotional booklet for Christians, Muslims, and Jews – (one per crew Chaplain Aide usually provided during May's Watchu Mountain Adventure, plus one per crew member issued after arrival at Philmont)